Sunday, 17 February 2013

Reflection Post

Wow, time sure does fly by! Can't believe it's already Reading Week. What a relief though, I just finished four midterms over the course of a week and a half so it is a much deserved break from school :) I thought I would get this reflection post done right away so I could enjoy the week away from school work.

I have to admit, it has taken me awhile to get used to blogging, but I find this style of learning to be much more beneficial than writing a paper. I feel like I am able to learn extra about the topics I choose to blog on as I generally do additional research of my own after class for my blog.

One topic that I haven't yet discussed is the aspect of a presentation that I haven't understood or viewed as controversial. My classmates so far have chosen pretty neutral topics so if someone in the future were to write about something controversial then maybe that is something that I could address in a post.

I like to blog the topics that I feel I have learnt the most from. So far, I have chosen topics that I had no little background knowledge of and I find this beneficial when it comes to my learning and progression and this course, as well as my degree. 

My favorite part of the blog experience so far has been adding videos and pictures to my posts. I feel that they add to what I am typing, and are a good tool of really getting the point across.

Overall, I feel as though the blog has been going well. I am keeping up to date and I am always happy with the posts I make. It has been an enlightening experience to date and I hope you all continue to read my blog throughout the semester as I'm sure there will be great posts to follow :)! 

Until next time,


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